What makes a lattice gauge theory 'gauge invariant' and gives it a 'Gauss law'?
Lattice gauge theories are theories with gauge invariance that are defined on discretized space, i.e., a lattice. One often encounters Hamiltonians in the literature which are called lattice gauge theories.....
The difficulty of detecting local order in random quantum circuitsRandom quantum circuits have emerged as playgrounds to explore quantum many-body physics and principles of equilibration in quantum dynamical systems. There are two major....
Liouville's theorem and the second law of thermodynamicsIn classical mechanics, Liouville's theorem states that the phase space density of a system evolving under some Hamiltonian remains constant in time. It is a straightforward proof using Hamilton's equations......
Expressing unitary multi-qubit Pauli string operators in terms of two-qubit CNOT gates and single qubit rotations
Here I prove how arbitrarily long Pauli string unitary operators can be applied to a quantum state using just two-qubit CNOT gates and single qubit unitary rotation gates.....